Other Information
- Sanction letter is given to every candidate after admission. The student should enrol his/her name with the subject lecturers through
that letter. - Fees deposited at the time of admission shall not be refunded in any case even if the candidate has not attended the class for a single
day. - Refund of the caution money shall be done only in the months of January and February after he/she leaves the college. Refund shall not
be possible after the lapse of one session. - Provisional admission shall not be given to any candidate, but the past students of the college, who have practical subjects, shall be
granted permission to work in the laboratory from the month of December after a deposit of three month education fees, which is
necessary for taking the examination. - Caution money, scholarship, fee concession and student welfare fund, etc., to the students shall be paid only through crossed cheque or
money order. - Identity and library card is compulsory for every student taking admission to the college, which shall be carried by him/her every day.
In case of loss, duplicate card can be issued after a payment of Rs 5 and forwarding of the application through the teacher of his
class. - After leaving the college, original marks sheet of the last examination passed must be shown and two photocopies and a payment of Rs 2
must be deposited for getting the transfer and the character certificates.